====== Bridges ====== ===== For 6DP Flow ===== * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VheTGg_T4c | Back Bridge Progressions]] (2:41) * Wall back bridge * Glute bridge * Neck bridge * Full back bridge * Do isometeric holds or push-ups * Single arm back bridge * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCMRt-DlhOU | How To Back Bridge - 7 Stretches For Hip & Shoulder Flexibility]] Tapp Brothers (6:45) * 1. Shoulder Stretches * Child pose - finger tips * Push against wall * Belt or stick push shoulders up & back * 2. Back Stretches * Cobra pose - hips on ground, arms bent, shoulders down & back * 3. Hip stretches & progressions * lay on back, squeeze glutes & lift hips up * lift on head * lifting with hands ===== Threading Scorpion Bridge Progression ===== * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZJwMpvJiYM | Threading Scorpion Bridge Progression]] by Scott Sonnon 3:48 * Basic Bridge Pressup * Bridge One Arm Lift-Up * Revolving 4 Corner Lift-Up * One Arm Bridge Pressup * Rocking Bridge Extension * Tripod-Bridge Rotation * Threading Bridge * Threading Bridge - Advanced * Threading Bridge - Scorpion ===== Basic Bridges ===== * [[http://reddeltaproject.com/2012/03/10/basic-bridge-progressions-for-a-strong-and-safe-back/ | Basic Bridge Progressions For a Strong and Safe Back]] - from Red Delta Project * Short bridge * keep knees together / trap a ball between legs * hands up or hands over stomache * lengthen legs * single leg * Table Top - lengthen legs, head back * Weighted with sand bag * [[http://www.12minuteathlete.com/bridges/ | Bridges: The Best Back Exercise You’re Not Currently Doing]] by Krista Stryker * Short bridges * Straight bridges * Elevated bridges * Full bridges * Bridge walk downs * Bridge walk ups * Stand to stand bridges * [[http://bodyweighttrainingarena.com/bridges/ | 10 Steps to Bridges Magestery]] - By Jeff Cowan from Body Weight Training Arena * Short bridges * Straight bridges * Angled bridges * Head Bridges * Half Bridges * Full bridges * Bridge walk downs * Bridge walk ups * Closing Bridges * Stand to stand bridges * [[http://www.alkavadlo.com/2011/02/10/back-bridges/ | Back Bridges]] - by Al Kavadlo * Beginner Back Bridge - push chest up, squeeze shoulder blades together, head on ground * Straight Bridge - upside down plank * Neck bridge or wrestler's bridge * Full Back Bridge