====== Jan. Feb. Mar. 2017 Exercise Routines ====== * [[exercise_routines:jan_2017:calendar | Q1 2017 Calendar]] ===== GOALS FOR 2017 ===== * Continued Joint Mobility, Core and Stretching routines. * Continued progression of skill on: * FLOWFIT (14 min at next level), * CLUBBELLS (trial by fire), * 6 DEGREE FLOWS (Roll & Sway, Yaw & Heave, Pitch & Surge) over the course of the year * Learn [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK6CGtViWg8 | Prasara Yoga Series "A" Flows]] (2:19): * [[exercise_demos:flows#prasara_yoga_tumbleweed_flow | Prasara yoga tumbleweed flow]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAQb6ahTc4I | Diving Dolphin Flow]] by Joe Poltor (Sinor) (1:38) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRJBVFCVuu4 | Flock Of Pigeons Flow]] by Joe Poltor (Sinor) (2:08) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inJLRMQQNgQ | Spider Monkey]] by Charleen Hess - Living Whole Fitness (1:58) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1znmforhccI | Forest Flow ]] by Charleen Hess - Living Whole Fitness (4:22) * Continue current 3 program schedule/format: * [[exercise_routines:jan_2017#flowfit | FLOWFIT]], [[exercise_routines:jan_2017#clubbells | CLUBBELLS]], [[exercise_routines:jan_2017#dp_flows | 6DP FLOWS]] * **Note program name change:** Includes both **6Degree** and **Prasara** flows, thus shortened to **6DP** as that day’s new program name. * Revise programs each quarter. * In some cases, each quarter will begin with Tabata-style training when learning new flows/movements/routines, then working up to full flows by quarter's end. * Continue training on learned flows ([[exercise_demos:sixdegree | 6Degree]] and [[exercise_routines:oct_2016#clubbell]]) as part of their respective program curriculum ===== FLOWFIT ===== ==== Tabata-Style ==== * [[exercise_demos:flowfit | See Flow fit section]] - Quad Press - Leg Sit Through - Mountain Climber - Rotating Table/Springing Tripod - Yoga Burpee/Up Dog Down Dog - Spinal Rock ==== Core Set ==== * [[exercise_routines:core_set | Core Set]] ===== CLUBBELLS ===== ==== Tabata-Style==== - Rockets - Swipe - Mill - Hammer - Windmill - [[exercise_routines:oct_2016#samurai_pivot_squat]] ==== Clubbell flow 15.7 (4 mins) ==== * [[exercise_routines:oct_2016#clubbell_flow | clubbell flow notes]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Phh5pYrYHE | Clubbell Flow 15.7]] by Nestor Serra Verdaguer (1:09) ==== Clubbell flow BodyTribe Lunge ==== * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXTLowU6PNk | Introduction to Heavy Clubs (Leverage Clubs), part 1]] (16:48) * This double handed flow starts at the 13:30 mark of the above video "Two handed moves". ==== Core Set ==== * [[exercise_routines:core_set | Core Set]] ===== 6DP FLOWS ===== ==== TUMBLEWEED PROGRESSIONS ==== * [[exercise_demos:flows#prasara_yoga_tumbleweed_flow | Prasara yoga tumbleweed flow]] ==== Tabata-Style ==== - Push Ups - Superman - [[exercise_demos:push_plank | Push-Plank]]/Up Dog Down Dog - [[exercise_demos:plow | Plow Variations]] - [[exercise_demos:bridges | Bridge Variations]] - Balance - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1znmforhccI | Forest Flow Prasara Yoga]] - Charleen Hess - Living Whole Fitness (4:22) ==== 6 Degree Flow ==== * All 3 [[exercise_demos:sixdegree | 6 Degree Flows]] integrated, once through on each side ==== Core Set ==== * [[exercise_routines:core_set | Core Set]]