Sleeping warrior (child’s pose with arms stretched out in front) > Cat stretch
> Up dog (sphinx / cobra) Caterpillar ( Lower down raise hip move arms half step drop hips forward compress back and raise)
> Up dog (sphinx / Cobra) > right side fold ( tuck with arms close to side & leg thread) > shoulder bridge (heart over head, pinch knees toward each other, tighten gluts) > Left side fold (left leg thread underneath right)
> Up dog > sleeping warrior >Right Twisting arm pose ( thread needle until shoulder between knees)
> Plow ( tripod pose) > Release Left (left leg bends as right leg lifts over left leg; pivot on ball of left foot ) > Shoulder bridge >(arms reaches alongside head and side in opposite directions)
> Plow > Child’s pose > Ancher pose (Place hands on knees; top leg straight; top hand on knee of straight leg; roll onto shoulders; right hand pulls right leg into gluts and release; left hand anchers to left ankle; lift hips; reach over head right arm) ancher bridge right
> release right through child’s pose to Right Ancher bridge > Child’s pose