Table of Contents



Joint Mobility (20 mins)

Flow Routines (15 mins)

Kicking Routines (15 mins)

Across the Room, repeat twice

In place for 30 seconds each (8 cycles total)

Core 1 (25/10s 2X each -10 mins)

  1. In/Outs
  2. Bicycle Forward
  3. Bicycle Reverse
  4. Crunchy Frog (v-up/hug knees)
    • (repeat)

Stretch/Cool down (15 mins)


Join Mobility (20mins)

Circuit: 40 seconds each / 4 rounds (35 mins)

  1. Deep Squats
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat - One Legged Squats
  3. Dips
  4. Plank Walkout or Ball Rollout
  5. Push Plank
  6. Rocha/handstands against wall - with Beast Skills

Core 2 (25/10s 2X each -10 mins)

  1. Fifer Scissors (hold for 2)
  2. Hip Rock and raise (froggy legs, hip up)
  3. Pulse Ups (legs straight up, foot flexed or bent knee)
    • repeat

Stretch/Cool down (15 mins)


Joint Mobility (20 mins)

Flow Routines (15 mins)

Kicking Routines (15 mins)

Across the Room, repeat twice:

In place for 30 seconds each (8 cycles total) :

Core 3 (25/10s 2X each - 10 mins)

  1. Vup/Rollup Combo or Leg Raises
  2. Side V Roll Up
  3. Leg Climbs
  4. Mason Twist
    • (repeat)

Stretch/Cool down (15 mins)


Joint Mobility (20mins)

Circuit: 40 seconds each/4rounds(35 mins)

  1. Deep Squats
  2. Face Pulls
  3. One Legged Squats
  4. Dips
  5. Plank Walkout or Ball Rollout
  6. Push Plank
  7. Rocha/handstands against wall

Core 4 (25/10s 2X each - 10 mins)

  1. Straddle Leg Crossover Sit Ups
  2. Windshield Wiper
  3. Spider Plank
    • repeat

Stretch/Cool down (15 mins)