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plu:test_verify:need_more_data [2020/08/02 11:19]
gunn [Steps to get useful debug information]
plu:test_verify:need_more_data [2020/08/02 11:20] (current)
gunn [Steps to get useful debug information]
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 ====== Steps to get useful debug information ====== ====== Steps to get useful debug information ======
-  * There is a useful ​to script that will attempt to send two Winlink messages [[https://​github.com/​nwdigitalradio/​n7nix/​blob/​master/​debug/​chk_mail.sh | at NWDR N7NIX repo]]+  * There is a useful script that will attempt to send two Winlink messages [[https://​github.com/​nwdigitalradio/​n7nix/​blob/​master/​debug/​chk_mail.sh | at NWDR N7NIX repo]]
 ===== Procedure to create a debug info file ===== ===== Procedure to create a debug info file =====
   * If you have problems please run //​pluchk1.sh//​ and //​pluchk2.sh//​ scripts and compose a regular e-mail to me attaching the requested files.   * If you have problems please run //​pluchk1.sh//​ and //​pluchk2.sh//​ scripts and compose a regular e-mail to me attaching the requested files.
plu/test_verify/need_more_data.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/02 11:20 by gunn
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