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start [2014/01/19 11:13]
gunn [Changing this Wiki]
start [2020/08/02 11:12] (current)
gunn [Changing this Wiki]
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 ===== Expectations ===== ===== Expectations =====
-This wiki describes a basic Debian install of paclink-unix that will work with most e-mail clients. If you are installing paclink-unix on a machine with no keyboard or display then you will use a command line mail client like [[http://​www.mutt.org/​ | mutt]]. If the install is to a '​regular'​ linux box with keyboard & screen I'm going to assume you are using Thunderbird email client ​or something that allows configuring a Unix movemail account. For some background on how e-mail works I found this link helpful: [[http://​wiki.mutt.org/?​MailConcept | A short introduction to the notorious MxA bunch]].+This wiki describes a basic Debian install of paclink-unix that will work with most e-mail clients. If you are installing paclink-unix on a machine with no keyboard or display then you will use a command line mail client like [[http://​www.mutt.org/​ | mutt]]. If the install is to a '​regular'​ linux box with keyboard & screen I'm going to assume you are using Claws-mail, Rainloop or Thunderbird email clients ​or something that allows configuring a Unix movemail account. For some background on how e-mail works I found this link helpful: [[http://​wiki.mutt.org/?​MailConcept | A short introduction to the notorious MxA bunch]].
 ===== Before you Start ===== ===== Before you Start =====
   * [[plu:​before_you_start | Before You Start]]   * [[plu:​before_you_start | Before You Start]]
- +===== Installation Steps =====
-===== Changing this Wiki ===== +
-If you have suggestions for additions or corrections to this wiki please post them to the [[http://​groups.yahoo.com/​neo/​groups/​paclink-unix/​conversations/​messages | paclink-unix yahoo group]]. +
-====== Installation Steps ======+
   * [[plu:​verify_kernel | Verify kernel has AX.25 stack enabled]]   * [[plu:​verify_kernel | Verify kernel has AX.25 stack enabled]]
   * [[plu:​install_ax25 | Install AX.25 Library, apps & tools]]   * [[plu:​install_ax25 | Install AX.25 Library, apps & tools]]
   * [[plu:​install_plu | Install paclink-unix]]   * [[plu:​install_plu | Install paclink-unix]]
-  * [[plu:​install_postfix | Configure postfix]] +  * [[plu:​install_postfix | Configure postfix]] ​or [[plu:​install_exim | configure exim]]
- +
 ===== Test & Verify ===== ===== Test & Verify =====
   * [[plu:​test_verify | Tips to verify your paclink-unix configuration]]   * [[plu:​test_verify | Tips to verify your paclink-unix configuration]]
 +===== Use Cases =====
 +  * [[plu:​use_cases]]
 +====== Changing this Wiki ======
 +If you have suggestions for additions or corrections to this wiki please post them to the 
 +[[https://​groups.io/​g/​paclink-unix/​topics | groups.io paclink-unix group]].
start.1390158832.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/19 11:13 by gunn
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