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exercise_equipment:misc [2015/03/29 11:27]
gunn [Do-it-Yourself Exercise equipment]
exercise_equipment:misc [2018/02/06 15:05] (current)
gunn [Exercise Equipment]
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 ====== Exercise Equipment ====== ====== Exercise Equipment ======
   * [[https://​rmaxinternational.3dcartstores.com/​Ultimate-Grappling-Shoes-all-sizes_p_187.html | Shoes]] - RMAX International   * [[https://​rmaxinternational.3dcartstores.com/​Ultimate-Grappling-Shoes-all-sizes_p_187.html | Shoes]] - RMAX International
-  * [[https://​rmaxinternational.3dcartstores.com/​CST-Clubbells_c_8.html | Clubbells]] - RMAX International 
   * [[http://​rubberbanditz.com/​store/​ | Bands]] - Rubber Banditz   * [[http://​rubberbanditz.com/​store/​ | Bands]] - Rubber Banditz
   * [[http://​www.ultimatebodypress.com/?​avad=20761_a13e2181 | What a manufactured dip bar looks like]] - Ultimate Body Press   * [[http://​www.ultimatebodypress.com/?​avad=20761_a13e2181 | What a manufactured dip bar looks like]] - Ultimate Body Press
   * [[http://​www.amazon.com/​Ultimate-Body-Press-Dip-Stand/​dp/​B000ICHPIK/​ref=sr_1_1?​ie=UTF8&​qid=1294269650&​sr=8-1 | Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand]] - Amazon   * [[http://​www.amazon.com/​Ultimate-Body-Press-Dip-Stand/​dp/​B000ICHPIK/​ref=sr_1_1?​ie=UTF8&​qid=1294269650&​sr=8-1 | Ultimate Body Press Dip Stand]] - Amazon
 +=== Clubbells ===
 +  * [[https://​rmaxinternational.3dcartstores.com/​CST-Clubbells_c_8.html | Clubbells]] - RMAX International
 +  * [[https://​rmaxinternational.3dcartstores.com/​Mini-Clubbells_c_57.html | Mini-Clubbells]] - RMAX International
 +  * [[https://​www.roguefitness.com/​onnit-steel-clubs?​ | Onnit Steel Clubs]] - Rogue
 +  * [[http://​adexclub.com/​product/​the-genuine-adex-adjustable-exercise-club-new-generation/​ | Adex Adjustable Exercise Club]]
 ===== Do-it-Yourself Exercise equipment ===== ===== Do-it-Yourself Exercise equipment =====
   * [[https://​www.pinterest.com/​kcsshug/​diy-bodyrock-gear/​ | DIY Bodyrock Gear]] - on pinterest   * [[https://​www.pinterest.com/​kcsshug/​diy-bodyrock-gear/​ | DIY Bodyrock Gear]] - on pinterest
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   * [[http://​www.fitstream.com/​articles/​make-your-own-parallettes-a112 | Make your own parallettes]]   * [[http://​www.fitstream.com/​articles/​make-your-own-parallettes-a112 | Make your own parallettes]]
   * [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=k3MTUfYYQTs | Kitchen Dip bars]] - by Misko Keto (3:10)   * [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=k3MTUfYYQTs | Kitchen Dip bars]] - by Misko Keto (3:10)
-  * [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=zA9EhzdN1a4 | Homemade Equipment Discussion]] by Matt Wichlinski+  * [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=zA9EhzdN1a4 | Homemade Equipment Discussion]] by Matt Wichlinski ​(8:16)
exercise_equipment/misc.1427653653.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/03/29 11:27 by gunn
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