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start [2014/02/09 10:40]
gunn [Up coming Events]
start [2017/11/17 15:58] (current)
gunn [Up coming Events]
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 ====== Mostly Intelligent Fitness (MIF) ====== ====== Mostly Intelligent Fitness (MIF) ======
-MIF is a continuation of an exercise class originally started by Greg Houle at the Dojo a number of years ago. The group'​s goal is to show up on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings at 7:00am at Island Body & Fitness ​and not hurt ourselves. The exercise ​routines loosely follow Circular Strength Training developed by [[wp>​Scott Sonnon]]+MIF is a continuation of an exercise class originally started by Greg Houle at the Dojo a number of years ago. The group'​s goal is to show up on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings at 7:00am at the back room of the Old Grocery Store and not hurt ourselves. The routines loosely follow Circular Strength Training developed by [[wp>​Scott Sonnon]]. The daily routine starts with [[joint_mobility:​demos:​beginnig_warmup | Joint Mobility]], followed by an [[exercise_routines:​jan_2017 | exercise routine]] and ending with [[stretching_demos:​finish_stretch | some stretching]].
 +===== Challenge =====
 +==== Static hold plank ====
 +  * Static hold: plank for 90 seconds. - Doesn'​t sound that hard does it? Try it.
 +    * [[http://​greatist.com/​fitness/​perfect-plank | How to Do the Perfect Plank]] ​
 +    * [[http://​physicalliving.com/​the-5-minute-plank-for-core-strength-stability-and-rock-hard-abs/​ | The 5 Minute Plank For Core Strength, Stability, and Rock-Hard Abs]]
 +==== Other static holds ====
 +  * pullup holds
 +  * wall sits
 +  * [[https://​breakingmuscle.com/​learn/​strength-training-for-yogis-static-holds-for-muscular-endurance | parallette support & hold]] - Strength Training For Yogis: Static Holds For Muscular Endurance
 ==== Up coming Events ==== ==== Up coming Events ====
-  * Start another week of exercise ​...+  * Tacfit 26 ...
start.1391971232.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/09 10:40 by gunn
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