Clubbell demonstrations

Shane Heins

leg centric 2 handed clubbell movements

Clubbell Moves

Clubbell Flows

Flows by Evgenia Babrovskaia & Summer Huntington

Nestor Serra Verdauer Clubbell flow 15.7

  1. front swing (between legs)
  2. torch to flag pendulum (hold for 2 seconds)
  3. bring in for swipe x 2
  4. step 90 degrees for mill x2
  5. hammer swing x3
  6. 2 handed horizontal clubbell squat
  7. reverse mill x2
  8. step 90 degrees back for swipe
  9. front swing change hands & repeat

Emilio Troiano

  • The Best 15 Club Bell exercises - Master Trainer WTA Emilio Troiano 9:08
    1. Front Swing
    2. Side swing
    3. Shoulder clean
    4. side shoulder clean
    5. Clean
    6. Side Clean
    7. Chest press
    8. Gamma cast
    9. Side gamma cast
    10. barbarian squat
    11. Push press
    12. Side push press
    13. Jerk
    14. Side clean & lunge
    15. Hammer

TacFit Firefighter 6 Exercise Circuit

  1. Front swing
  2. Gamma cast squat
  3. Clean to order squat
  4. Torch press
  5. Shoulder cast
  6. Flag press

BodyTribe Fitness

    • Good explanation - check out squat flows at end, beginning at 13:30 into the video
      • Two handed moves @ 13:30
        • Ninja chop (Gama)
          • Bend elbows to take club over the front shoulder
          • Crank over opposite shoulder & push to a flag
          • → wider legs with lunge
        • Add lunge
          • As club comes up, stand up
          • As club come down lunge
      • More lateral motion, big tail wag
        • Quick hip turn at bottom
        • Add lunge (Side swing to lunge)
          • Wag the tail to bring club up & step out into lunge
        • add Ninja chop
          • Stand up & chop
          • Turn & crank into opposite lunge
          • Step back into tail wag
    • Wing fling
exercise_demos/clubbells.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/11 11:36 by gunn
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