Cossack Lunge

Cossack / Skandasana

Ido's Squat Routine 2.0 from Ido Portal

  1. Start with Knee Push Aways X 10-20 reps per side
    • if possible straighten the elbow completely
  2. Hold knee out X 10-30 sec per side
  3. Sky Reaches X 10-30 reps per side
    • extending range if possible
  4. Add a Static Pause X 10-30 sec per side
  5. Budha Prayers X 10-30 rep
    • Or extend range by placing fist against fist
  6. Squat Bows X 10-30 reps
    • Or increase range…
  7. Squat Bows, Pause for 10-30 sec
  8. Shake it off - done
exercise_demos/cossack.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/26 10:58 by gunn
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