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exercise_demos:clubbells:sh_cbflow_instructions [2018/02/11 11:58]
gunn [Flow 1]
exercise_demos:clubbells:sh_cbflow_instructions [2018/02/12 08:29]
gunn [Flow 1]
Line 4: Line 4:
     * skd = skandasana     * skd = skandasana
     * cb = clubbell     * cb = clubbell
 +== Start ==
   * Call to order   * Call to order
-  * warrior 1, cb rh +  * left leg back, warrior 1, cb rh 
-  * cb switch +  * cb switch ​to skd cb flag
-  * skd cb flag+
   * keep flag, sit down to shin box   * keep flag, sit down to shin box
   * sit up in shin box   * sit up in shin box
 +== 11 sec ==
   * clubbell over right shoulder   * clubbell over right shoulder
   * bring clubbell back to flag and sit down into shin box   * bring clubbell back to flag and sit down into shin box
-  * sit up in shin box cb in flag +  * sit up in shin box, gamma cast left to right 
-  * bring cb into guard +  * cb into guard 
-  * foot on floor right knee to side +  * shift left foot back, right knee to side 
-  * cb over right shoulder ​& back to guard +  * cb gamma cast left to right & back to guard 
-  * warrior 1, right knee out, cb guard + 
-  * switch warrior 1 sides, left knee out, cb flag +== 20 == 
-  * down to left skd, cb flag +  * warrior 1, right knee out, cb guard both hands 
-  * up, legs apart, straight cb in right hand +  * shift to left skd, cb flag 
-  * warrior 1, right side, cb guard+  * warrior 1, right side, cb guard right hand
   * cb switch   * cb switch
-  * skd left, cb flag+  * skd left, cb flag both hands
   * keep flag, sit down to shin box   * keep flag, sit down to shin box
 +== 30 sec ==
 +  * straddle legs, lean forward, cb guard
 +  * gamma cast left to right
 +  * shin box left, kneel up
 +== 40 ==
 +  * cb over right shoulder
 +  * left leg out, right leg kneel
 +  * cb over right shoulder
 +  * gamma cast left to right
 +  * skd left, cb flag
 +== 50 ==
 +  * warrior 1
 +  * gamma cast left to right
 +  * cb swing
 +  * stand up, rh gamma cast, left to right
 +  * cb swing, pivot left
 +  * rh gamma cast, left to right
 +  * cb swing pivot right, cb guard
 +== 60 ==
 +  * flag squat
 +  * stand, cb guard
 +  * flag squat to shin box
 +  * kneel up
 +  * cb swing over right
 +  * cb 2 handed raise, big end right hand
 +  * cb drop behind for gamma cast
 +  * cb right swing in front
 +  * stand up
 +  * rh cb gamma cast
 +  * rh swing & pivot
exercise_demos/clubbells/sh_cbflow_instructions.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/12 08:29 by gunn
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