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Routines for Q2 2019

6D Prasara (6DP) April – June


1. Balance Drills

    1. Single Leg Balance (0:42)
    2. Single Leg Balance With look Up(0:55)
    3. Single Leg Balance With Hamstring Stretch (1:04)
    4. Tree Pose(1:14)
    5. Tree Pose With Arms(1:21)
    6. Warrior III (1:31)
    7. Airborne Lunge(1:38)
    8. Skater Lunges(1:52)
    9. Skater Hops With Reach (2:02)
    10. Single Leg Deadlift and Reach (2:12)
    11. 3 way Leg Swings (2:24)
    12. Skater Lunge (2:46)
    13. Lunge with Knee Drive (2:56)
    14. Step Up With Balance (3:09)
    15. Step Down (3:22)
    16. Bosu Squat (3:34)
    17. Bosu Lunge(3:46)
    18. Bosu Side Lunge (3:57)
    19. Boss Squat #2 (4:09)
    20. Surfer Squat(4:24)
    21. Blue Pad Balancing (4:33)
    22. Blue Pad Deadlift (4:43)
    23. Lunge To Balance (4:54)
    24. Balance Taps (5:08)
    25. Single Leg Squats (5:26)
  • b. 4 Point (Forrest Flow)

2. Get Up/Down

  • a. Simple - with Brett Klika 1:36
  • b. Shinbox - with the Art of Fitness 2:30
  • c. Turkish - with Keira Newton 5:28
  • d. Lotus (Forrest Flow)


3. Leg Thread Progressions

4. Bridge/Table variations

5. Shoulder/Plow Exercises


6. Exercises

exercise_routines/april_2019.1553540645.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/25 12:04 by gunn
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