

Joint Mobility (20 mins)

Flowfit Pyramid 1+2+3+2+1 (12 mins)

  • Note: build to full rounds, supplement with Mt Climber flow.

Tabata 20/10 6-8 rounds (6 mins)

  • Planks: 2 standard; 2 side; 2 arm and leg extension (on knees)
  • Superman/Banana (switch every other one)
  • Squats * Spider Plank

Kicking/Punching Routines: 30 sec rounds (4 min)

  1. Shuffle with speed bag punches
  2. Jab, cross, forward kick, jump turn to other side
  3. Knee up, opposite leg rear kick
  4. Repeat #3 other side
  5. Jab, cross, duck, duck
  6. Hook left, Uppercut right, duck, duck
  7. Jab, cross, side kick
  8. Repeat #7 other side

Kicking/Punching Tips

  • hands return to ready position near face or chin
  • maintain stable footing
  • don't over reach the punches, maintain stability, use core
  • establish a rhythm

Core 1 (25/10s 2X each -10 mins)

  1. In/Outs
  2. Bicycle Forward
  3. Bicycle Reverse
  4. Crunchy Frog (v-up/hug knees)
    • (repeat)

Stretch/Cool down (15 mins)


Join Mobility (20 mins)

Circuit: 40 seconds each / 3-4 rounds (25-35 mins)

  1. Lunges or Bulgarian Split Squat
  2. Aussie Pull Ups or - Face Pulls
  3. Leg Sit Thru
  4. Dips
  5. Push Plank
  6. Spinal Rock

Core 2 (25/10s 2X each -10 mins)

  1. Fifer Scissors (hold for 2)
  2. Hip Rock and raise (froggy legs, hip up)
  3. Pulse Ups (legs straight up, foot flexed or bent knee)
    • repeat

Stretch/Cool down (15 mins)


Joint Mobility (20 mins)

Flowfit Pyramid 1+2+3+2+1 (12 mins)

  • Note: build to full rounds, supplement with Mt Climber flow.

Tabata 20/10 6-8 rounds (6 mins)

  • Planks: 2 standard; 2 side; 2 arm and leg extension (on knees)
  • Superman/Banana (switch every other one)
  • Squats * Spider Plank

Kicking/Punching Routines: 30 sec rounds (4 min)

  1. Shuffle with speed bag punches
  2. Jab, cross, forward kick, jump turn to other side
  3. Knee up, opposite leg rear kick
  4. Repeat #3 other side
  5. Jab, cross, duck, duck
  6. Hook left, Uppercut right, duck, duck
  7. Jab, cross, side kick
  8. Repeat #7 other side

Kicking/Punching Tips

  • hands return to ready position near face or chin
  • maintain stable footing
  • don't over reach the punches, maintain stability, use core
  • establish a rhythm

Core 3 (25/10s 2X each - 10 mins)

  1. Vup/Rollup Combo or Leg Raises
  2. Side V Roll Up
  3. Leg Climbs
  4. Mason Twist
    • (repeat)

Stretch/Cool down (15 mins)


Joint Mobility (20mins)

Circuit: 40 seconds each / 3-4 rounds (25-35 mins)

  1. Lunges or Bulgarian Split Squat
  2. Aussie Pull Ups or - Face Pulls
  3. Leg Sit Thru
  4. Dips
  5. Push Plank
  6. Spinal Rock

Core 4 (25/10s 2X each - 10 mins)

  1. Straddle Leg Crossover Sit Ups
  2. Windshield Wiper
  3. Leg raises (work toward advanced spinal rock)
    • repeat

Stretch/Cool down (15 mins)

exercise_routines/mar_2014.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/10 11:11 by gunn
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