

Joint mobility

Mini Flow warm-up

  • Child pose > plank
  • > low plank > baby cobra
  • > Down Dog > Cat
  • > Cow > Child Pose
  • ( repeat 3 or 4 times)


  1. Clubbell lunge-(Yoga clubbell) or Shane Heins sprinkler twist
  2. Low plank pike > Low plank leg lifts > Low plank spider (Do each exercise 4 x)
  3. Clubbell : Scott Sonnon rowing with 5#
    1. Month 1, side squat ( hip root ) flag press;
    2. month 2, 2 club side lunge;
    3. month 3, spiral rowing (low left side spiral high right side)
  4. Regular flow: Squat, quad, sit through, Mt. climber, rotating table, up dog, spinal rock
  5. Table or Bridge or loaded tripod
  6. Front kick Through level 1 (bear squat > right leg to right hand switch sides) (hindu bear kick flow level 1)
  7. Balancing: stand on one leg other leg starts in front as high as you can get it and still balance same arm behind back. Swing leg to back and to front. Or Seal Jax (hindo kicking bear)
    1. Kneeling Neck Roll - Scott Hagnas
    2. Slow Roll to Plough - Scott Hagnas
  8. Burbees > push-ups >mountain climber :repeat or do each exercise alone
  9. Bear squat flow: squat > down dog >bear squat > gecko > 3 legged down dog > Gecko > sit through > loaded tripod > transition > gecko > 3 legged down dog > bear squat : repeat other side

Core (25/10s 2X each -10 mins)

  1. Fifer Scissors (hold for 2 count)
  2. Hip Rock and raise (froggy legs, hip up)
  3. Pulse Ups (legs straight up, foot flexed or bent knee)
  • Repeat

Stretch/Cool down


Joint Mobility

Mini Flow warm-up

Hindu Kicking Bear Level 1

  • Down dog > push plank
  • > up dog > down dog
  • > bear squat > down dog
  • > bear squat > right leg forward
  • > bear squat > left leg forward
  • > Down dog (repeat 3 x)

20/10 (back to basics)

  1. quad press
    • (month 2 & 3 work on elliptical quad press Shane Heins progression)
  2. scorpion
  3. cossack get-up
  4. superman/ banana
  5. squats or shinbox switch or shinbox rise down switch or shinbox to squat switch or low squats
  6. planks

Core (25/10s 2X each -10 mins)

  1. In/Outs
  2. Bicycle Forward
  3. Bicycle Reverse
  4. Crunchy Frog (v-up/hug knees)
  • (repeat)

Stretch/Cool down


Joint Mobility

Mini Flow warm-up

Strength flow – Shane Heins

  • Right arm tricep stretch > forward fold stretch & bend
  • > squat > shinbox > pigeon
  • > down dog > lower to scorpion
  • > opposite arm over top same arm under thigh lift leg ( single leg locust) > scorpion same leg
  • > switch sides and repeat scorpion/locust poses > up dog
  • > down dog > pigeon
  • > shinbox > squat
  • > forward fold > roll up
  • > opposite tricep stretch ( do 1 x)


  1. Clubbell lunge-(Yoga clubbell) or Shane Heins sprinkler twist
  2. Low plank pike > Low plank leg lifts > Low plank spider (Do each exercise 4 x)
  3. Clubbell : Scott Sonnon rowing with 5#
    1. Month 1, side squat ( hip root ) flag press;
    2. month 2, 2 club side lunge;
    3. month 3, spiral rowing (low left side spiral high right side)
  4. Regular flow: Squat, quad, sit through, Mt. climber, rotating table, up dog, spinal rock
  5. Table or Bridge or loaded tripod
  6. Front kick Through level 1 (bear squat > right leg to right hand switch sides) (hindu bear kick flow level 1)
  7. Balancing: stand on one leg other leg starts in front as high as you can get it and still balance same arm behind back. Swing leg to back and to front. Or Seal Jax (hindo kicking bear)
  8. Burbees > push-ups >mountain climber :repeat or do each exercise alone
  9. Bear squat flow: squat > down dog >bear squat > gecko > 3 legged down dog > Gecko > sit through > loaded tripod > transition > gecko > 3 legged down dog > bear squat : repeat other side

Core 4 (25/10s 2X each - 10 mins)

  1. Straddle Leg Crossover Sit Ups
  2. Windshield Wiper
  3. Spider Plank
  • Repeat

Stretch/Cool down


Joint mobility

Mini Flow warm-up

Total body mobility flow (Geneva fitness)

  • Shinbox > slide forward
  • > return slide toward front leg side into pigeon into down dog
  • > Right foot forward to hand (or as far as you can reach) lift right hand above head and rotate
  • > down dog > shinbox > shinbox switch

20/10 (back to basics)

  1. quad press
    1. (month 2 & 3 work on elliptical quad press Shane Heins progression)
  2. scorpion
  3. cossack get-up
  4. superman/ banana
  5. squats
  6. planks

Core 3 (25/10s 2X each - 10 mins)

  1. Vup/Rollup Combo or Leg Raises
  2. Side V Roll Up
  3. Leg Climbs
  4. Mason Twist
  • (repeat)

Stretch/Cool down


Prasara Yoga - Five principal Plow Transistions

exercise_routines/oct_2014.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/06 14:57 by gunn
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