Oct. Nov. Dec 2016 Exercise Routines

Flow fit

  • Oct: continue one, two, three, two, one flow
  • Nov: change to 7 min, 1 min rest, 7 min
  • Dec: 14 min ( people can chug when they need a break)


  • 6 Degree Flows - do all three flows for 4 minutes each
    • Yaw & Heave
    • Roll & Sway
    • Pitch & Surge


1. one handed Swipe

  1. rocket
  2. front swing
  3. front pendulum
  4. front swipe - no swing
  5. front swipe - slow
  6. front swipe at speed

2. one handed mill

  1. side rocket
  2. side semi swing
  3. side semi swing with in & out
  4. side semi swing pendulum
  5. mill - slow
  6. mill at speed

3. two handed hammer

  1. side rocket
  2. semi swing
  3. full swing
  4. full swing pendulum
  5. full swing pendulum to torch
  6. torch press
  7. torch to hammer
Trial by Fire: Swipe, Mill, Hammer
Shane Heins Hammer Progression

4. Samurai Pivot Squat

  1. warrior squat
  2. clockwork squat
Samurai Pivot Squat Progression

5. Clubbell Flow

  1. front swing (between legs)
  2. torch to flag pendulum (hold for 2 seconds)
  3. bring in for swipe x 2
  4. step 90 degrees for mill x2
  5. hammer swing x3
  6. 2 handed horizontal clubbell squat
  7. reverse mill x2
  8. step 90 degrees back for swipe
  9. front swing change hands & repeat
exercise_routines/oct_2016.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/15 15:17 by gunn
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